Tools: Safe in class

Hvordan kan lærere gjøre klasserommet trygt, og hvordan kan elever møtes med varme og følelser? 
TRYGT I KLASSEN er et verktøyhefte laget for å bidra til et trygt og godt læringsmiljø. Verktøyheftet er utviklet i samarbeid mellom elever og fagfolk, med kunnskap fra barn i hele landet som utgangspunkt. I tillegg bygger de på barns grunnleggende rettigheter etter FNs barnekonvensjon. 

The tools have clear goals, equipment lists and estimated completion time. Hours means school hours.

The tools are for grade 1.-10, but must be adapted according to age and can be used in every classroom, in every school, every day.

If the school is to feel safe, human warmth from the adults is fundamental. It is also fundamental to feel safe among other children at school. Children need to know that they are being collaborated with by the teacher, in a good way, and that their opinions are important. They must also be confident that the adults at school are able to stop bad situations in safe ways. 

Knowledge directly from children shows resoundingly that feeling safe leads to better learning and increased well-being.

Contents of the tool:
PART 1: The foundation of the tool
PART 2: Tools for peace of mind
PART 3: Tools for warmth & emotion
PART 4: Tools for collaboration
PART 5: Tools for stopping safely
PART 6: For management

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